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Carter Gap Shelter


Type: Shelter (covered spot, typically roof, etc.)
Coordinates: 34.99898,-83.49413 (lat, lng)
Capacity: 8 - standard, 10 - emergency (Room for a couple of tents and a lot of trees for hammocks)

🌊 Water? Unknown...
🚰 Drinking Water? Unknown...
🔥 Fireplace✅️ Yes1 outside
🚽 Toilet✅️ Yesoutdoor toilet (privy) with nice view
🪑 Table✅️ Yes1 small standing table below the roof of the shelter

Updated: October 7, 2023
(Un)official website:
Areas: USA
Trails: Appalachian Trail


The Carter Gap Shelter is a shelter located along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina, USA. The shelter is not big and there are no bear boxes.

The place was initially discovered using WhiteBlaze PDF list but the place was updated by user submission.

Disclaimer: It is not guaranteed that the place information is up to date or accurate.


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