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⚠️ We do not guarantee it is permitted to spend a night at this place. Read our recommendations before. ⚠️

Type: Bivouac (one night spot, no tents allowed)
Coordinates: 42.3719972,-3.4622444 (lat, lng)
Capacity: 2 - standard, 4 - emergency (Some vegetation can be a bit uncomfortable but not everywhere)

🌊 Water❌ No...
🚰 Drinking Water❌ No...
🔥 Fireplace❌ Nofires are prohibited
🚽 Toilet❌ No...
🪑 Table❌ No...

Updated: June 26, 2023
Areas: Spain
Trails: Camino de Santiago


A small ground next to the Camino de Santiago path. The route is not frequent so arriving late and leaving early makes it a good spot for bivouacking.

Disclaimer: It is not guaranteed that the place information is up to date or accurate.


Bivouac spot with sleeping bag and backpack in front of forest
Added by Bivaco user