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Nocoviště Lipová-Lázně


Type: Bivouac (one night spot, no tents allowed)
Coordinates: 50.236677,17.145396 (lat, lng)
Capacity: 6 - standard, 10 - emergency

🌊 Water✅️ Yesa spring called Luisin pramen 450 meters from the spot
🚰 Drinking Water✅️ Yesthe spring is reconstructed and is drinkable
🔥 Fireplace✅️ Yes1 fireplace, creating new fireplace is not allowed
🚽 Toilet❌ No...
🪑 Table❌ No...

Updated: October 7, 2023
Areas: Czechia


Nocoviště Lipová-Lázně is a solid bivouac spot in Jeseníky in the north-east of Czechia. The place is close to train railway so it can be a bit noisy but it has a fireplace and water source nearby so it is a good place to spend a night.

Disclaimer: It is not guaranteed that the place information is up to date or accurate.


Bivouac spot with fireplace, trash bin and fence
Added by user bivacoapp
Fireplace with benches
Added by user bivacoapp
Fence with forest
Added by user bivacoapp